Case-forming and closing machine

Case-forming and closing machine

Case forming and closing machines for forming and closing cases from flat blanks with manual or automatic filling.

DM Pack’s vertical case-forming and closing machine is the ideal solution for boxing small and medium-sized products.

The machine works with flat dies, which are individually picked up from a warehouse by means of suction cups. The dies are positioned horizontally in the warehouse and transferred to the centring stations via conveyor belts.

A vertical press forms the case, using an upper male forming unit and a lower female forming unit.
Once the case is formed, the glue is distributed to form the corners. The mechanical lifters intervene by folding the corner flap 90°. At this point, the base of the case is ready to move on to the subsequent filling stations.

Filling can be carried out manually by an operator or automatically via external systems or DM Pack-provided systems, such as robots or pick & place. Next, the upper flaps are closed and secured via the “tuck-in” system (interlocking the flaps) or applying hot glue.

All DM PACK machines are equipped with the latest remote connectivity systems to receive all the assistance needed from our skilled technicians.

Besides being at the forefront of digitalisation and interconnection, all DM PACK case-forming and closing machines are built with ISO-certified components.

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Product examples

sky formatrice fruits
sky formatrice fruits
astuccio dmpack
astuccio dmpack

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