Inclined packaging machine

Inclined packaging machine

Compact inclined packaging machines for bagging with flat film pouches with manual or automatic loading.

The inclined or vertical semi-automatic packaging machine is a versatile and flexible solution for packaging products inside flat film pouches (VFFS). The continuous sealing system longitudinally seals the two edges of the pouch, while the cross bar seals and cuts the ends. The operation can be manual or automatic, and the machine can be integrated with various automatic bag loading and filling systems.

This machine is very compact, ultra-simple to use and suited for basic production needs which are not necessarily continuous.

All DM PACK machines are equipped with the latest remote connectivity systems to receive all the assistance needed from our skilled technicians.

Besides being at the forefront of digitalisation and interconnection, all DM PACK inclined packaging machines are built with ISO-certified components.

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Product examples

confezionatrice inclinabile
confezionatrice inclinabile

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